The Money Game

What's Next

Thinking about what my next steps should be. Definitely looking forward to a book-signing event at the home of a friend on December 3rd. Will begin this week inviting people to that event. And would like to move forward on the next, and probably final, event of my “launch season” - at a local independently-owned bookstore. Hoping in the next few weeks to stop by my top choice bookstore for that event. After that my next areas of focus will be 1) Making requests of folks I know bought the book to write reviews on Amazon, 2) Writing 500-word content pieces to promote to Personal Finance magazines and blogs, 3) Begin development of a personal finance workshop — meet with key influencers to scope out the project, and create a content outline. Lots to keep me busy. Nothing is urgent. All is exciting and engaging.

Ups and Downs

Such an interesting experience — the launching of a book! My pre-launch listing on Amazon was perfect. Then, on the launch date itself, the Amazon listing got messed up — suddenly the book was no longer available through Amazon and only available through third-party sellers at crazy prices. It took over two weeks to straighten it out, but now -thank goodness - the listing shows Amazon Prime again, with the normal price. Still ironing out a few things, but we are back on a good track. The book is selling - I don’t know yet how many. I’m looking forward to getting my first monthly report through Thomson-Shore which is representing my book to Amazon and the other wholesalers. I also just posted on Facebook about an upcoming event at the Ann Arbor Library - Local Writers LIVE - in which I will be participating on September 26th. I will be speaking and selling/signing the book!!!

Launch Date of my book!

Hi there.  Today is the official launch date of my book.  I'm thrilled about that!  What a road I traveled to get here!  Unfortunately, to my (hopefully temporary) dismay, Amazon is listing the book as available only via third party sellers.  Ugh.  And for higher $ than the list price of the book!  Double ugh!  And no Amazon Prime!  Triple ugh!!  Hopefully this will all be fixed soon - today if I'm lucky.  Still - I'm excited that the launch date is here.