
Amazon reviews and Next Steps

A friend and book marketing/promotion mentor told me you should have at least 50 reviews on Amazon. And the best reviews are the “Verified Purchaser” reviews. As of today, I have three verified purchaser reviews, and one other review. Four in all. Last week, I dreamed I had five reviews, only to wake up and discover I had only the same three I’d had for weeks (I picked up my latest one a couple days ago). Ugh — that was weird to dream about Amazon reviews. I think the trick is to make requests of people - one at a time - to write a review. That’s what has worked so far. Especially right after they have finished reading the book. Next steps: I am presenting a “lunch and learn” this Tuesday to the Ann Arbor Credit Professionals monthly meeting. And will hold a book signing event at the home of a friend in early December. My final “book launch” goal is to hold an event at a local independent bookstore. I’m thinking of Bookbound on Plymouth Road in Ann Arbor.

Ups and Downs

Such an interesting experience — the launching of a book! My pre-launch listing on Amazon was perfect. Then, on the launch date itself, the Amazon listing got messed up — suddenly the book was no longer available through Amazon and only available through third-party sellers at crazy prices. It took over two weeks to straighten it out, but now -thank goodness - the listing shows Amazon Prime again, with the normal price. Still ironing out a few things, but we are back on a good track. The book is selling - I don’t know yet how many. I’m looking forward to getting my first monthly report through Thomson-Shore which is representing my book to Amazon and the other wholesalers. I also just posted on Facebook about an upcoming event at the Ann Arbor Library - Local Writers LIVE - in which I will be participating on September 26th. I will be speaking and selling/signing the book!!!

Launch Date of my book!

Hi there.  Today is the official launch date of my book.  I'm thrilled about that!  What a road I traveled to get here!  Unfortunately, to my (hopefully temporary) dismay, Amazon is listing the book as available only via third party sellers.  Ugh.  And for higher $ than the list price of the book!  Double ugh!  And no Amazon Prime!  Triple ugh!!  Hopefully this will all be fixed soon - today if I'm lucky.  Still - I'm excited that the launch date is here.