Book to Engagement

Book to engagement. That’s a phrase an author friend used to describe what’s next for me. That phrase, as simple as it is, was very helpful. And it rang true: I am seeking ways to forward the content of my book by connecting with people, publications, programs. Still, there are many ways to do this — by sharing content with blogs and e-zines, by contacting local media, by speaking at local organizations. Several weeks of swirling ideas and lack of direction. But ultimately, as a result of chatting with lots of people about my interest in presenting “salons” and workshops, speaking opportunities have emerged. I usually do best moving from actual to theoretical rather then the opposite. A few actual presentations under my belt will help me to fine-tune my presentations and better focus the messages I most wish to convey. I have a date set for one mini-workshop (April 28), and am working on scheduling another. To be continued…